Saturday, 7 June 2014

Week 42: Seven Confessions!

Eyy hi i'm bored and i just thought this was interesting and yeah, here it is.

1) Confession about family:
I don't get along with everybody in the family (grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles included) except for my sis, and very occasionally, my mom.
2) Confession about love:
I used to have eyecandy but I kinda gave up and I realised that there's this someone in my life that really believes in me and supports me but he's not really... My parent's wouldn't accept him and he'd never fall for me, y'know what I'm saying?
3) Confession about abilities:
I am the jack-of-all-trades, master of none kinda person. I know how to play the drums, I know how to sing (been in choir for 4 years), I auditioned for guitar tryouts but was too lazy to put guitar in my option list, I auditioned for drama and debate society but again I was too lazy to put it in my option list even though the seniors there said I was really good and they wanted me there, I've joined like 3 spelling bees in my whole life and I guess I'm kinda okay at spelling, and my current club/cca is photography, so yeah. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none! :D
4) Confession about food:
I love spicy food, I like sweet food but I don't like overly sweet food, I like salty food and I hate sour and bitter food. I like bitter coffee though.
5) Confession about money:
I am moderately well off, I guess. I'm not exactly too desperate for money, but my friends are definitely richer than me. They'd buy things they don't need and are overpriced in a heartbeat, while I actually stare at the price and make my decision. If it's something that's really pretty though, I'd probably buy it and regret afterwards. Kkaebsong~
6) Confession about lies:
I lie often aghhh. Who doesn't?

7) Confession about AFF:
I really love talking to people on AFF!! Everyone's really nice (except for that one person) and even though we speak in different languages I still appreciate everyone's comments and inbox(s) and yeah, love you guys!
Random fact:
I don't like people who stan/like too many bands. It's like telling me you have 18 husbands and you love them all equally. Kinda sorry but there are bad things about liking too many bands, for example, when fandom wars happens, shit will get thrown at your face and your heart will break. If too many of your fave bands have a comeback at the same time, you'll need a lot of money to support all of them (merchwise or albumwise I guess), and if the idols fight within themselves you'll feel really conflicted. Yeah.

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