Thursday, 19 June 2014

Week 44: Omg done with you

Guys, I'm just really upset and angry as hell and i'm not going to be checking my grammar and spelling so this is basically a blog post that will make your eyes bleed. I'm sorry.

Just. fucking. stop.

omg done. I'M. DONE. WITH. YOUR. SHIT.

I cannot even with pretentious fake fans that happen to be my friends. I can't.

Basically your entire personality is just made up of 35% hatred and venom and cunningness (is that a word), 25% fake and like 5000% evil. Pure, pure evil. Nothing else. You are a scary human being.

Anyway just- life is a little effed up at the moment guys. Really. There's nothing I can do to stop it, and it's not like I'm someone that will slap somebody because I can't handle her. At least, I'm trying not to. No promises though, I am literally so upset and done with her act.

So about the byuntae/baektae thing.

Do I really even, I mean, do they even, just- no, okay.

'S great they're dating and kissing and all that stuff! 'S great! I respect their decision to have this relationship, it's cute and all but I gotta point out that there are quite a few important loopholes in this relationship but it's going great I think and they're cute. Cos that's what apparently matters in relationships right? :D

Nah man. I respect their relationship and I seriously want to leave them alone but I can't. Y' guys wanna know why? Because Chanbaek fics be getting deleted. Chanbaek. fics. be. getting. deleted. 

Happy face of sarcasm.

Just, no. You probably understand (though you don't know) how upset I was when my fave taoris fics started getting deleted and stuff. It's understandable, right? I was really distraught and all that when that happened and I couldn't quite understand why everybody was giving up on taoris and kris and all the kris-based ships. I just really couldn't get it.

Okay, let me be mean and vicious and gently try to put this down (this doesn't make sense). So Kris is 'leaving'/left (I still don't- I can't man) and stuff. Doesn't mean you have to delete your fics and STOP SHIPPING KRIS-BASED SHIPS. I mean, the yunjae fans are still cool and writing yunjae stuff. Why you gotta be like that?

S' like, deleting baekhyun based ships fics. Why you gotta do that? Did anybody force this thought into your brain that you had to delete them? I really hope not. This was actually a pretty big deal for me when I was writing Ziall fics for the 1D fandom and people were talking shit about how our fics are the spawn of satan and disgusting things that disgrace the boys. Why you guys gotta be like that? :D

I'm acting like I'm cool with all this ship drama? Yup, I am, but trust me, it's because I'm confused and I can't quite place a finger on this... thing. Something is amiss, trust me, my instincts don't fail me.

Don't give up on the ships man. Please don't. Whoever is reading this, don't give up, fight for your ship until the very end, and die bravely. Sink with the ship after a much needed battle. Do not, and I repeat, do not give up on your ships. 

Ain't nobody gon' tell me to stop shipping Taoris. You may call me delulu (who started this thing it's cute and stuff and I use it all the time in my head I'm sorry if this is a username ok) but I ship Taoris and I'm going down with the ship. 

Or maybe the ship ain't goin' down. I believe in Kris. I believe in Tao. I however don't trust the girls around Tao because I'm being possessive on behalf of Kris and I don't want Tao doin' anythin' he'll regret. I trust him though. Maybe I'm stupid but I. trust. him.

And you guys should probably trust Baek too. DON'T TRUST SM FUCKING BIG FUCK YOU TO THE WORLD ENTERTAINMENT *COUGHCOUGH*,  trust Baek. And trust whoever you ship with Baek. Trust whoever you ship with Kris too. 

C'mon, it'll all work out in the end. Might not be the happiest and best possible thing but at the end of the day, things still have to work out. Let's be glad that our biases are alive! :)

but seriously though. dem loopholes. SM do a better fucking job of making up stories and shit. Even I make better stories than them, and that's saying something.

And also. 

Fake. fans.

Watch out for them.

I've met and seen a couple of them and I'm so angry. Raging about this honestly. And that's shocking because I might get pissed but I don't get pissed easily and this thing, this thing is effed up. Making up lies and shit. Shame on you! Don't even bother trying, I'm not going to accept you alright man. 

Also my fringe be getting in the way while I'm typing. Practically blocking my line of vision. >:(

And just a casual little apology here that I've planned out Yixing's story and I somehow made it sadder than it was supposed to be. I'm sorry. And also, I don't know what to name his story. I may have made a plot but there's nothing significant about the plot except that it rounds up the story and fills in the loopholes in Luhan's story. Though Lulu's story is probably more important, but Yixing's story kinda fills in on any queries and dissatisfaction you might find in Luhan's story. 'm sorry but basically I'm so upset rn I can't even write probably and I didn't plan Yixing's story well.

Just like Taoris' pathetic excuse for a story (MY TAORIS FIC. NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S. OMG. ALMOST ALL TAORIS FICS OUT THERE ARE GOOD. except mine.), I didn't plan it out well and it was a heat of the moment/mind fucking died on me at the last minute so I wrote the thing. the thing. Yixing's story honestly should not matter all too much, it doesn't effect the story that much but reading in between the lines and reading every line carefully will give you an idea of what happens in the end and what decision Yixing made and why he made that decision and stuff.

Basically what I'm saying is that Yixing's story is not important but it's important if you want to understand Yixing's actions. 


That. did. not. make. sense.


This whole byuntae/baektae/byunyeon (done with coming up names for this ship thing) thing messed up my brain. I'm really sure that I'm going to go cray tomorrow when I go out. I really feel like this is an impact thing that hurts my heart even more after Taoris stuff. 

Just, no.

And btw I hear beeping sounds from somewhere within my house. It's scary and shit. I'm actually scared it's my phone since I'm charging it right now but the thing is my phone is always on silent mode (because fuck no i'm not replying people's messages unless they're important to me) so yeah. Gotta check up on that.

Hope my phone is okay. :D

Love you guys man.

(that again was a thing. that doesn't make sense. sorry.)


also i'm sorry for all the grammar mistakes in this post. sorry. :D

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